About us
The iDry Story
Discover the story of iDry Ltd, where pioneering spirit meets modern-day innovation, crafting a legacy of comfort, sustainability, and accessibility in personal hygiene.

In 1991, a pioneering invention saw the light of day as the world's first body dryer was patented. Behind it was a spirited inventor whose brainchild was born out of the Apres Body Dryer Company. However, before his invention could touch the lives of the masses, dementia cruelly swept him away, causing a sudden halt in production despite its early promise.
Fast forward to 2003, destiny had a unique plan in store for Gary Seale, who would soon find himself at the helm of a life-changing venture. Following a harrowing road traffic accident, traditional bathing became an ordeal for Gary. His path serendipitously crossed with Ryan Godwin, the son of the original inventor, during a casual meetup at a café in Bury. Little did they know, this chance encounter would reignite the flames of a paused legacy.
Ryan was still in possession of the original trademarks, while the essential injection mould tools were safely stored in a Blackpool warehouse. Realizing the boundless potential of the product for individuals like Gary, and the elderly who found conventional bathing methods challenging, a new alliance was formed. This spark of hope led to the birth of a new entity, iDry Ltd. Under their joint vision, production resumed in 2020, albeit with modest beginnings.
Our perks
3-year all-inclusive warranty
We’ll replace it with a new one
Warm gentle airflow
Dry in 3 minutes
Quick Delivery
Dispatched to you in less than 5 days